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$0 Down + Affordable Payments + Great Approvals

Financing is available so that you can get the products you need without the financial burden of a big lump sum: pay in affordable and manageable monthly payments! Financing is quick and easy and most applications can be completed in 5 minutes. We boast some of the highest approval rates in the industry. 

Pay in manageable equal payments with as low as 0% interest!
Actual interest rates may vary depending on your credit profile. Monthly payments include a processing fee of up to $6.95.

Minimum Requirements:

  • Canadian permanent resident or citizen
  • 18 years of age (AB, MB, ON, PEI, QC, SK) / 19 years of age (BC, NB, NF, NT, NS, NU, YK)
  • Minimum order of $500 

How it works:

    1. Check out with your entire order online and select   as your payment method.  
  1. You are approved for financing.
  2. Your application is finalized electronically. 
  3. Your order will be processed and shipped to you. In-store pick up is available as well.
  4. Your monthly payments begin in 30 days.

All loans are open, so you are able to pay back any amount (i.e. the remaining balance) at any time without any penalty or fees. Interest is only charged for the duration you actually hold the loan, not the entire term. 

    If your application has been denied, please call us at 1-855-741-8324 to request a manual review and to see what your other options are.  

    Ready to get started?
    1) Check out online and choose   as your payment method.

    2) Visit us in-store, click below:                                                                           

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