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Drone Flying: Legal Requirements You Should Know

Drones, also known as UAVs, are some of the most advanced pieces of technology available on the market today. Originally designed for military use, drones are now popular in the agricultural industry, as tools in search and rescue missions, in filmmaking, and for recreational use.

In order to keep drone flying safe and enjoyable for everyone, certain laws and regulations have been put in place by Transport Canada. Here is some more information about the legal requirements of drone flying in Canada from the UAV specialists at OmniView Tech.

Current Legislation Regarding Drone Flying and Safety

The current rules regarding drone flying and safety in Canada come from two main pieces of federal legislation: The Canadian Aviation Regulations and The Criminal Code. Your provincial and municipal legislation regarding trespassing and security breaches may also be invoked, including your provincial or territorial Trespass Act.

Transport Canada can investigate reports of illegal or unsafe UAV use, and they also have the right to contact law enforcement if other laws (such as privacy or trespassing laws) have been violated. If you put aircraft at risk, fly in a prohibited zone, or endanger anyone’s safety, you could face the following consequences:

  • Incarceration
  • Up to $25,000 in fines 
  • Have your permission to fly UAVs revoked 

New UAV Regulations

Because UAVs are becoming more popular and accessible, Transport Canada is looking at ways to improve the current regulations around drone flying to make it applicable to the rapidly changing technology of UAVs. Proposed changes include:

New flight rules
Minimum age limits
Pilot permits for certain UAV operations

For recreational drone use (not commercial use), new guidelines have recently been implemented by the Ministry of Transportation. These new guidelines state that recreational drones may not fly:

  • higher than 90 meters;
  • at night;
  • within 75 meters of buildings, vehicles or people; or
  • within 9 kilometers of the centre of any airport, heliport, aerodrome or water aerodrome where aircraft take off and land.

Any recreational drone user found in violation of these guidelines can face up to $3000 in fines.

If you’re interested in drone flying, it’s important to stay up-to-date on all UAV laws and regulations so you can fly as safely as possible. At OmniView Tech, we have some of the latest models of drones and gimbals so you can always ensure that your equipment is up-to-date and ready to fly. For more information about our UAV products, as well as safety tips and tricks, contact us today at OmniView Tech.

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